Use Vim


Vim can probably be installed directly via your package management. Otherwise you will find releases of Vim on its website here. Just follow the instructions depending on your operating system and configure it however you prefer. There are multiple different guides how to setup Vim for C++ development online. Feel free to look for yourself (extensions for C++ auto-completion might be useful though).


Most development will be straight forward. Writing code is just like writing text. So just open the files you want to edit with Vim and do as you wish.


Building and running your projects via Vim can be done by using CMake, make and other commands directly from the command line of the editor itself. However to make things a little more convenient, notice that there are some scripts for you provided by the VkCV framework under scripts:

  • will run cmake using a preferred profile and build a selected target of choice.
  • will launch a selected target of choice and automatically build it if necessary.

Hopefully this explaination gives you an idea how to use Vim to develop with the VkCV framework.

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